Do you want to place an order? You are requested to contact our Translations Coordinator as per the contact information in the section "Contact Us". Our Representative will in details inform you regarding our prices depending on the service you need. You are requested to provide us with the following information:
Written translation
- Purpose;
- Languages;
- Formatting requirements;
- Deadline;
- Additional preferences.
- Type of interpreting (simultaneous, consecutive, crisscross, court interpreter, interpreting by phone);
- Dates;
- Subject;
- Special preferences.
Translation Authorization
- Purpose;
- Deadline;
- Number of copies;
- Special preferences.
Provision with glossaries and other materials with preferred terminology is always appreciated.
Our representative will confirm capability to comply with your requirements and will ask you to conclude the contract or to fill in the request form. We will complete the request quickly and efficiently and will submit the work in the requested form. We will appreciate your soon payment.